Advisory Services & Facilitation

A. Management support and advice. Strategic analysis and project development.

At various stages within project and program preparation and implementation organisations and managers seek external support for strategy and concept development, clarifications, process advisory, project and program appraisal and subsequent proposal development.

Selected key processes:

  • Training pathway for Forced-Return Monitors, Training Concept development, FReM II, ICMPD & partner countries, 2017.
  • Project appraisal mission and workshop, ‘Vocational Training Partnership Project’, Chamber of Crafts and Small Businesses, Cologne / TEVETA Malawi, Sequa gGmbH, 2016, Malawi.
  • Project appraisal mission ‘Better Migration Management (BMM)’, 2016, Ethiopia, Sudan.
  • Technical proposals for tenders for GFA Consulting Group, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, AMBERO for programs in Afghanistan, Bolivia, Niger, Malawi, Ghana, Guatemala, Peru, Zambia.

B. Preparation and facilitation of meetings, (strategic) workshops and retreats.

Facilitation of a variety of meetings and workshops. Based on the needs of the client I prepare and develop a methodology, facilitate the meeting or workshop and prepare a report, if applicable.

Selected facilitation examples:

  • Country planning workshop, GIZ Malawi, 2014, 2015, 2017, Lilongwe, Malawi; GIZ Ethiopia / Djibouti, 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Cooperation workshop GIZ Program for Migration and Development, IOM Germany, IOM Iraq, November 2017, Berlin, Germany.
  • Consultation and validation of the Training Concept for Forced-Return Monitors, FReM II, ICMPD & partner countries, 2017, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
  • Consultative Workshop ‘Deutschlandjahr USA’, German Foreign Office, July 2017, Berlin, Germany.
  • Team-Retreat, Food and Nutrition Security Programme (SEWOH-FNSP), GIZ Malawi, 2016, Ntchisi, Malawi.
  • Workshop of department 42, GIZ headquarters, sectoral department, 2014, Eschborn, Germany.
  • Planning workshop, ICMPD, 2012, Vienna, Austria.

C. Facilitator for the leadership tool Feedback to Managers of GIZ.

As a member of the facilitator pool for the leadership tool of GIZ, Feedback to Mangers, I facilitate feedback sessions of a staff group with their manager. I follow the pre-described process, ensuring anonymity as well as an open, constructive atmosphere.