Monitoring & Evaluation

A. Monitoring

Monitoring is inherently connected to planning and setting-up a project or program. Support to monitoring processes can comprise clarification of what needs to be monitored, formulation of fields for observation, indicators and clarification of methodologies, frequency of collection, etc.

Monitoring processes supported:

  • Implementation of MoUs: Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and Local Governments, Philippines. Migration EU Expertise II (MIEUX II), 2015.
  • Monitoring process, database and indicators. Generation dialogues to end female genital cutting, CARE International / GIZ, 2013/14, Freetown, Sierra Leone.

B. Evaluation

Project and programme evaluations with an assessment according to OECD/DAC criteria, conducted applying qualitative and quantitative methods, per requirement.

Evaluations conducted:

  • Prevention of violence against women, component of the Governance programme, Pakistan, 2016
  • ‘Migration and Development’, GIZ Sector advisory project, GIZ, 2015
  • Social protection and prevention of trafficking in human beings’, Western Balkans, GIZ, 2015
  • Regional Project: ComVoMujer, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, 2015
  • ‘Czechia against Poverty’ project, UNDP Europe and the CIS on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic, 2011